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La Bella Black Nylon 760N-B


Saitensatz für 5-Saiter E-Bass

  • Saitenstärken: .060, .070, .094, .115, .135
  • Stärke: Medium Tension
  • Long Scale
  • Material: Nylon auf Stahlkern
  • schwarze Nylon Tape Umwickelung mit extra glatter Oberfläche
  • verpackt in modifizierter Atmosphäre um ein Anlaufen zu verhindern und Frische zu erhalten
  • made in USA
Erhältlich seit November 2008
Artikelnummer 218800
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Saitenstärke 060 - 135
Material Stahl
Mensur Long Scale
Taperwound Nein
64 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
In 1-2 Wochen lieferbar

29 Kundenbewertungen

4.7 / 5
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23 Rezensionen

Seriously cool when you get used to them...
puzucci 18.11.2019
The first day I installed these strings, I wanted to throw my entire bass to the garbage. Three days later, I don't want to change them for any reason! You just have to get a little used to them, and probably change your settings - I inverted the tone and pickup settings on my bass compared to how I used to have them with the previous strings. It is impossible o describe a sound through words, but it has to do a lot with the way you play, too. My bass action is set extra-low as I like to play fingers-down, Richard Bona style, and my sound has changed to the better. Another pro, is that the tension is seriously lowered, so I use less power on my left hand, allowing me to play "just by the strings"...
Would definitely recommend trying!
The first day I installed these strings, I wanted to throw my entire bass to the garbage. Three days later, I don't want to change them for any reason! You just have to get a little used to them, and probably change your settings - I inverted the tone and pickup settings on my bass compared to how I used to have them with the previous strings. It is impossible o
The first day I installed these strings, I wanted to throw my entire bass to the garbage. Three days later, I don't want to change them for any reason! You just have to get a little used to them, and probably change your settings - I inverted the tone and pickup settings on my bass compared to how I used to have them with the previous strings. It is impossible o describe a sound through words, but it has to do a lot with the way you play, too. My bass action is set extra-low as I like to play fingers-down, Richard Bona style, and my sound has changed to the better. Another pro, is that the tension is seriously lowered, so I use less power on my left hand, allowing me to play "just by the strings"...
Would definitely recommend trying!
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Sonorer Sound
JOE0312 18.05.2021
Auf meinem Godin A5 ultra fretless erzeugen diese Saiten diesen wunderbaren nach Kontrabass klingenden Sound.... singend, schnurrend und obertonreich. Das Spielgefühl ist sehr angenehm und bisher hält die schwarze Kunststoffbeschichtung (nach 3 Wochen Benutzung). Jedoch fallen mir hie und da kleine Stellen auf, an denen die Beschichtung verschwindet.
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Einfach genial
Bernd640 31.01.2022
Auf meinem 5Saiter - Harley Benton B-35BK Acoustic Bass einfach nur genial.
Der Sound ist super, die Bespielbarkeit ist exzellent.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden!
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relativ "crisp", für Flatwounds
mcdwerner 03.05.2021
ich finde den Sound relativ "crisp" für Flatwounds, nicht ganz so dumpf wie manche andere.
Halsstab musste nachgestellt werden, wegen des geringeren Zuges.
Passen auch auf eine 35 Zoll Mensur
Zur Haltbarkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen
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