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A great addition to my collection
Jnthn 20.09.2024
I'm already a happy owner of a SUB bass, a four string with flatwounds that scratches my itch for more vintage, Joe Dart-esque tones. I decided to add a maple necked five string as I wanted something brighter, and more 'rock' oriented so I can complement my collection of bass preamp pedals.
Live the clarity of the low B-string drew attention of my fellow musicians as did the light blue finish. The bass sounds great through a Markbass combo, full of character and clarity.
The bass did need a little tweak to fix a slight neck bow and I would have liked a three band EQ like the more expensive models, but these are minor concerns. Very happy with my purchase.
I'm already a happy owner of a SUB bass, a four string with flatwounds that scratches my itch for more vintage, Joe Dart-esque tones. I decided to add a maple necked five string as I wanted something brighter, and more 'rock' oriented so I can complement my collection of bass preamp pedals.
Live the clarity of the low B-string drew attention of my fellow
I'm already a happy owner of a SUB bass, a four string with flatwounds that scratches my itch for more vintage, Joe Dart-esque tones. I decided to add a maple necked five string as I wanted something brighter, and more 'rock' oriented so I can complement my collection of bass preamp pedals.
Live the clarity of the low B-string drew attention of my fellow musicians as did the light blue finish. The bass sounds great through a Markbass combo, full of character and clarity.
The bass did need a little tweak to fix a slight neck bow and I would have liked a three band EQ like the more expensive models, but these are minor concerns. Very happy with my purchase.