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Sehr gut verarbeitet, robustes Material, Platz für 2 HiHats bis 15 Zoll und 4 Becken bis 22 Zoll. Und die Tasche sieht richtig schick aus. Volle Kaufempfehlung.
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A nice everyday cymbal bag
Alex Krvs 02.12.2020
So, first of all let me start with the color. In real life its a bit faded... less saturated.. but still a nice color and pretty close to the pictures.
I really like how the inside compartments are connected with velcro, so you can take them out and clean them or do whatever you want.
I also like the fact that the cymbal bag is really light, something that you will really appreciate once its full or if you already have a larger and robust cymbal bag.
Like any other shoulder strapped cymbal bag its not comfortable if you want to handle more than 2 or 3 cymbals, especially if you are using heavy ones.
The padding is really cool and the compartments add extra protection to the cymbals. I really feel that if i throw this bag around it will last and it will protect my cymbals.
If this bag was a back pack one, it would honestly be one of the best cymbal bags out there.
So, first of all let me start with the color. In real life its a bit faded... less saturated.. but still a nice color and pretty close to the pictures.
I really like how the inside compartments are connected with velcro, so you can take them out and clean them or do whatever you want.
I also like the fact that the cymbal bag is really light, something
So, first of all let me start with the color. In real life its a bit faded... less saturated.. but still a nice color and pretty close to the pictures.
I really like how the inside compartments are connected with velcro, so you can take them out and clean them or do whatever you want.
I also like the fact that the cymbal bag is really light, something that you will really appreciate once its full or if you already have a larger and robust cymbal bag.
Like any other shoulder strapped cymbal bag its not comfortable if you want to handle more than 2 or 3 cymbals, especially if you are using heavy ones.
The padding is really cool and the compartments add extra protection to the cymbals. I really feel that if i throw this bag around it will last and it will protect my cymbals.
If this bag was a back pack one, it would honestly be one of the best cymbal bags out there.