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the t.bone freeU HT 863 Handheld



  • passend für freeU HT 863 (Art. 405083 - nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
  • dynamische Kapsel
  • Superniere
  • Frequenzbereich: 50 - 16.000 Hz
  • 4 vorprogrammierte Frequenzgruppen mit je 4 darin verfügbaren Kanälen
  • Auto Squelch
  • Frequenzscan im Empfänger
  • 10 mW Sendeleistung
  • Infrarot-Übertragung der Einstellung vom Empfänger zum Sender
  • Pilotton
  • 125 kHz Raster
  • Modulationsart F3E
  • dynamischer Handsender mit Metallgehäuse
  • LCD Display
  • Betrieb mit 2 AA Batterien oder Akkus
  • Frequenzband: 863 - 865 MHz

Hinweis: In diesem Frequenzband können maximal 3 Systeme simultan betrieben werden.

Erhältlich seit Januar 2020
Artikelnummer 475133
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Senderart Handsender
Kapseltyp dynamisch
Charakteristik Superniere
Ladesystem Nein
inklusive Akku Nein
Batteriestandsanzeige Ja
Frequenz 863 MHz – 865 MHz
Wechselkapsel Nein
40 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar

Hinweise zu den unterstützten Frequenzbereichen

Hier sehen Sie, welche Frequenzbereiche von dieser Drahtlosanlage unterstützt werden und in welchen Ländern diese Frequenzen auch in Zukunft für Drahtlos-Anwendungen erlaubt sind.

Anmeldung erforderlich


Ausgewähltes Produkt: 863 Mhz - 865 Mhz @ 0 mW EIRP

  • Frequenzbereich
    863 MHz – 865 Mhz
    Maximale Sendeleistung
    16 mW EIRP (10 mW ERP)
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!

7 Kundenbewertungen

4.4 / 5
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4 Rezensionen

Preis, Leistung
Reinhard Ellrich 08.07.2023
Das Thomann Team hat immer eine Lösung parat.
So auch für the t.bone Handheld.
Preis Leistung geht voll in Ordnung.
Man muss nur wissen was man machen will.
Als Hobby oder als Profi.
Als Hobby kann man dieses immer wieder kaufen.
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google translate gb
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Bang for the buck
Jimmynics94 12.05.2024
Bought this on a whim as I already had the correct receivers. Wasn't expecting much and what I got was much better than expected!
The mic is built well, metal casing, it feels good to hold. It's quite a long mic, looks longer than sennhiesser equivalents.
Pairing the mic with the receiver is easy. The mic sounds good, with a little EQ it's just as good as any other wireless mic I've used (for speech that is).
It came in a cardboard box only with the mic shrink wrapped and bubble wrapped, no case or even padded bag for it but for the price you get what you pay for.

So far super happy with it, only tested at home, first event is in a few weeks time.
Bought this on a whim as I already had the correct receivers. Wasn't expecting much and what I got was much better than expected!
The mic is built well, metal casing, it feels good to hold. It's quite a long mic, looks longer than sennhiesser equivalents.
Pairing the mic with the receiver is easy. The mic sounds good, with a little EQ it's just as good as
Bought this on a whim as I already had the correct receivers. Wasn't expecting much and what I got was much better than expected!
The mic is built well, metal casing, it feels good to hold. It's quite a long mic, looks longer than sennhiesser equivalents.
Pairing the mic with the receiver is easy. The mic sounds good, with a little EQ it's just as good as any other wireless mic I've used (for speech that is).
It came in a cardboard box only with the mic shrink wrapped and bubble wrapped, no case or even padded bag for it but for the price you get what you pay for.

So far super happy with it, only tested at home, first event is in a few weeks time.
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google translate it
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
the t.bone una realtà...
Fabioshowman 08.10.2020
Thomann unica al mondo a creare una linea economica con pezzi di ricambio dedicati. Ritengo azzeccatissima la scelta di poter offrire pezzi di ricambio di un radiomicrofono, come nel mio caso, o comunque di un'antenna, di un alimentatore ecc... Ho subito il furto di un palmare, ero quasi disperatamente convinto di dover riacquistare tutto e invece, con grande meraviglia, scopro che con 44 Euro si può acquistarlo in B-stock. Funziona bene come quello in dotazione. Consigliatissimo.
Thomann unica al mondo a creare una linea economica con pezzi di ricambio dedicati. Ritengo azzeccatissima la scelta di poter offrire pezzi di ricambio di un radiomicrofono, come nel mio caso, o comunque di un'antenna, di un alimentatore ecc... Ho subito il furto di un palmare, ero quasi disperatamente convinto di dover riacquistare tutto e invece, con grande
Thomann unica al mondo a creare una linea economica con pezzi di ricambio dedicati. Ritengo azzeccatissima la scelta di poter offrire pezzi di ricambio di un radiomicrofono, come nel mio caso, o comunque di un'antenna, di un alimentatore ecc... Ho subito il furto di un palmare, ero quasi disperatamente convinto di dover riacquistare tutto e invece, con grande meraviglia, scopro che con 44 Euro si può acquistarlo in B-stock. Funziona bene come quello in dotazione. Consigliatissimo.
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sento 20.06.2021
perfecto diseño y calidad de materiales , buen rango de frecias de respuesta muy adecuado para vocalistas
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