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Die Forks sind gut verarbeitet. Für die Klangtherapie sind sie aber nicht wirklich geeignet. Dafür müssten sie bestimmte Töne und Frequenzen haben. Hier ist es reine Glückssache was man bekommt.
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Crystal Tuning Fork Love it love it love it
Anonym 16.10.2016
just received my first order from you the crystal tuning fork
to use for sound healing
I am delighted with it ,quality is very good and Price is excellent after shopping around found this site and was surprised at the reasonable prices quoted was a little worried the quality might not be as good as other company's but need not have worried sound is divine
the parcel was delivered very quickly and was packed very well
will be ordering more soon I am sure
seem like a very good company to deal with as everything was dealt with smoothly
thank you
Jacqi Eagles
just received my first order from you the crystal tuning fork
to use for sound healing
I am delighted with it ,quality is very good and Price is excellent after shopping around found this site and was surprised at the reasonable prices quoted was a little worried the quality might not be as good as other company's but need not have worried sound is divine
just received my first order from you the crystal tuning fork
to use for sound healing
I am delighted with it ,quality is very good and Price is excellent after shopping around found this site and was surprised at the reasonable prices quoted was a little worried the quality might not be as good as other company's but need not have worried sound is divine
the parcel was delivered very quickly and was packed very well
will be ordering more soon I am sure
seem like a very good company to deal with as everything was dealt with smoothly
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
ArjunaKwanyin 15.02.2021
Utulisation en Thérapeutique , produit tres satisfaisant sur le résultat .
Seul bemol, il ya pas de housse de transport, ce qui est pour ce produit indispensable . j' ai acheté la valise 4631A pour repondre a ce problème ....
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Excelente pero...
Fede Satyam 14.12.2022
El tono no corresponde con la muestra de sonido que se puede escuchar aquí es un página de la web.
Aquí parece ser un sol a 432hz, en realidad tiene la fudamental en do de 258 hz.
Cómo terapeutas del sonido son detalles que es importantes saber