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Die Verarbeitung der in Portugal gefertigten Gitarre ist sehr gut, wobei kleinere Fehler am Schallloch erkennbar sind - das aber nur aus der Nähe (daher 4 Sterne). Der Klang ist sehr sauber und einwandfrei (5 Sterne). Sie lässt sich sehr gut stimmen, ein Nachstimmen ist kaum erforderlich. Nach einer Kubareise habe ich lange nach einer Tres gesucht, die auch bezahlbar ist.
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Tres Cubano Deluxe
Frederick337 17.10.2014
I have only recently received this instrument although it was on back order it was dispatched immediately from Thomann. I found this instrument to be a delight. It is extremely well made and finished, the action is fantastic and the sound is full and brilliant. As a left handed player is was so easy to convert over from right handed settings. A small adjustment to the saddle and reverse some of the strings. It took all of 15 minutes to do.
I would highly recommend this Tres Cubano to anybody interested is expanding their instrument collection. I commend Thomann again on their quality and efficiency. A good instruction manual to get is 'El Tres Cubano' by Jon Griffin which can be purchased from Amazon. Again many thanks to the Thomann team. I will be back again for my next purchase.
Fred Rogers
I have only recently received this instrument although it was on back order it was dispatched immediately from Thomann. I found this instrument to be a delight. It is extremely well made and finished, the action is fantastic and the sound is full and brilliant. As a left handed player is was so easy to convert over from right handed settings. A small adjustment to the
I have only recently received this instrument although it was on back order it was dispatched immediately from Thomann. I found this instrument to be a delight. It is extremely well made and finished, the action is fantastic and the sound is full and brilliant. As a left handed player is was so easy to convert over from right handed settings. A small adjustment to the saddle and reverse some of the strings. It took all of 15 minutes to do.
I would highly recommend this Tres Cubano to anybody interested is expanding their instrument collection. I commend Thomann again on their quality and efficiency. A good instruction manual to get is 'El Tres Cubano' by Jon Griffin which can be purchased from Amazon. Again many thanks to the Thomann team. I will be back again for my next purchase.
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David094 07.10.2020
Muy contento con la compra realizada. Este tres cubano es una muy buena opcion para un instrumento de gama media-alta. La calidad en la construccion es impecable, igualmente el sonido. En latinoamerica no es facil conseguir un instrumento de este tipo, despues de buscar en muchos lugares decidi darle la confianza a Thomann, creo que fue la mejor decisión. No hay de qué arrepentirse con este hermoso instrumento.
Muy contento con la compra realizada. Este tres cubano es una muy buena opcion para un instrumento de gama media-alta. La calidad en la construccion es impecable, igualmente el sonido. En latinoamerica no es facil conseguir un instrumento de este tipo, despues de buscar en muchos lugares decidi darle la confianza a Thomann, creo que fue la mejor decisión. No hay de
Muy contento con la compra realizada. Este tres cubano es una muy buena opcion para un instrumento de gama media-alta. La calidad en la construccion es impecable, igualmente el sonido. En latinoamerica no es facil conseguir un instrumento de este tipo, despues de buscar en muchos lugares decidi darle la confianza a Thomann, creo que fue la mejor decisión. No hay de qué arrepentirse con este hermoso instrumento.