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die Thon 12U pro rack-cases sind ja an der Frontseite bereits damit bestückt, aber auf der Rückseite wo die ganzen Netzverteiler und sonstigen Kabelanschlüsse angebracht werden wird man mit diesen Zusatzschienen erst richtig Glücklich und vereinfacht die ganze Montage ungemein, macht das Rack erst damit wirklich perfekt
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Bewertung melden
Perfect fit
Ascu 16.01.2025
Passt perfekt zum 12U Case welches nur auf der Vorderseite Rails hat. Einfache Montage.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Good if you're happy to do a little DIY
wriggy_b 13.06.2022
No instructions supplied, which is fine - it's pretty easy to figure out.
The rivets were not the right size for the holes in the rails so I had to redrill. The rivets themselves were very hard to install using the rivet gun that I purchased from thomann in the same order. I don't know if this was the rivet or the gun, but it was pretty hard going!
I was using this kit for a potentially different rack series, so had to cut away some of the extrudate to get it flush (because of other rivets in my existing rack) but it seems to have worked well and is fit for my use.
Lots of bolts, nuts and washers came with the pack, which is welcome.
Knocked off the star for the total because of the need to redrill, but quality is as expected.
No instructions supplied, which is fine - it's pretty easy to figure out.
The rivets were not the right size for the holes in the rails so I had to redrill. The rivets themselves were very hard to install using the rivet gun that I purchased from thomann in the same order. I don't know if this was the rivet or the gun, but it was pretty hard going!
No instructions supplied, which is fine - it's pretty easy to figure out.
The rivets were not the right size for the holes in the rails so I had to redrill. The rivets themselves were very hard to install using the rivet gun that I purchased from thomann in the same order. I don't know if this was the rivet or the gun, but it was pretty hard going!
I was using this kit for a potentially different rack series, so had to cut away some of the extrudate to get it flush (because of other rivets in my existing rack) but it seems to have worked well and is fit for my use.
Lots of bolts, nuts and washers came with the pack, which is welcome.
Knocked off the star for the total because of the need to redrill, but quality is as expected.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Don't buy for flyht racks
RemusD 14.10.2022
Bought this to add rails at the back of my flyht rack. I had to buy a special tool for the rivets, but you can also buy screws if you want to. At first I installed with the given wood distancers, but it won't fit any 19'' rack because it's to narrow. I the removed them and reattached without the distancers and I managed to fit a power strip from thomann, but other rack equipment doesn't fit, the ears don't line up with the rais.
As for quality they are very sturdy and better then the rails provided from flyht cases.
Bought this to add rails at the back of my flyht rack. I had to buy a special tool for the rivets, but you can also buy screws if you want to. At first I installed with the given wood distancers, but it won't fit any 19'' rack because it's to narrow. I the removed them and reattached without the distancers and I managed to fit a power strip from thomann, but other
Bought this to add rails at the back of my flyht rack. I had to buy a special tool for the rivets, but you can also buy screws if you want to. At first I installed with the given wood distancers, but it won't fit any 19'' rack because it's to narrow. I the removed them and reattached without the distancers and I managed to fit a power strip from thomann, but other rack equipment doesn't fit, the ears don't line up with the rais.
As for quality they are very sturdy and better then the rails provided from flyht cases.