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Good Quality but Sent the Wrong Item
Anonym 18.09.2016
Not really a review on the product here more like a gripe that I was sent the wrong product which had obviously been hanging around in the warehouse for ages and anyone could see that it was not the mixer case that I ordered to go with the mixer I had purchased. To be fair it did have the correct product number on it but it was way too big and did not match the description on the website.
It was dispatched on Monday 12th September, It arrived Friday 16th September UK. I have opted for the product return for refund, I hope that goes as smoothly.
Not really a review on the product here more like a gripe that I was sent the wrong product which had obviously been hanging around in the warehouse for ages and anyone could see that it was not the mixer case that I ordered to go with the mixer I had purchased. To be fair it did have the correct product number on it but it was way too big and did not match the
Not really a review on the product here more like a gripe that I was sent the wrong product which had obviously been hanging around in the warehouse for ages and anyone could see that it was not the mixer case that I ordered to go with the mixer I had purchased. To be fair it did have the correct product number on it but it was way too big and did not match the description on the website.
It was dispatched on Monday 12th September, It arrived Friday 16th September UK. I have opted for the product return for refund, I hope that goes as smoothly.