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Ich nutze den Trollen tatsächlich im Event DJ Bereich eher als Kabeltrolley und Equipment Trolley.
Sofern ich auf Club Gigs unterwegs bin weiter weg nutze ich Ihn gerne für meine Klamotten am nächsten Tag und um meine privaten Gegenstände zum Hotel zu bringen.
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Perfekter Trolley
JP1210 07.09.2022
perfekter Trolley für unterwegs, die Verarbeitung ist sehr hochwertig, besonders die Rollen laufen sehr gut und flüssig
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Expensive but worth it
kaina303 18.07.2022
I first ordered the smallest version of this trolley and then realised that I wanted more space for my records so I sent it back and ordered this size. It took about 4 days which is quite fast.
This trolley is not cheap but the investment was totally worth it! It feels super smooth and solid. The size is also perfect for sets between 1 and 3 hours. If you need to play longer you might want to get an additional bag to put on it.
I first ordered the smallest version of this trolley and then realised that I wanted more space for my records so I sent it back and ordered this size. It took about 4 days which is quite fast.
This trolley is not cheap but the investment was totally worth it! It feels super smooth and solid. The size is also perfect for sets between 1 and 3 hours. If you need to
I first ordered the smallest version of this trolley and then realised that I wanted more space for my records so I sent it back and ordered this size. It took about 4 days which is quite fast.
This trolley is not cheap but the investment was totally worth it! It feels super smooth and solid. The size is also perfect for sets between 1 and 3 hours. If you need to play longer you might want to get an additional bag to put on it.
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Great Record bag
ClubJerome 10.04.2022
This traveling bag is made out of quality material. The wheels are really nice, like inline skate wheels and they roll well on all surfaces. The padding inside the case is also very solid but it won't fit the 60 records mentioned; it's more like 40 to 45-ish records (with sleeves). Would 100% recommend this bag though, worth the money in my opinion.