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Hab es mal zu experiment Zwecken geholt und fand es ziemlich Interessant. Gut verarbeitet und kombinierbar mit allen möglichen Becken ab gleicher Größe aufwärts. Habs in mein China gelegt und fand das ewige nach Rasseln etwas schade, aber ansich klang das China schon deutlich besser/trashiger.
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Na ja...
Noice 12.04.2019
Netter Effekt. Leider springt das ganze beim spielen weit nach oben ab und kommt nur langsam zurück, sodass er der Klang einfach zu lang ist und und ein merkwürdiges Decayverhalten an den Tag legt.
Habe noch keinen ansprechenden Verwendungszweck gefunden. Kommt aber vielleicht noch.
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Auf China gestacked
Gitarrespielenderschlagzeuger 17.10.2022
Joa, also das 18" Ufip China was ich mir bestellt hatte, war doch irgendwie etwas sehr wummig bzw. etwas sehr trocken, mit diesem 10" Spiral Becken scheppert es nu richtig geil, aber auch nicht zuviel und auch nicht zu wenig, schön zentrierter Klang mit direct-in-your-face Effekt! Eventuell auch mit der 12" Variante, wobei ich mal schätze, es wäre dann vielleicht doch zuviel..
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Experimenting sound-toy for drummers and percussionists
Animale 01.09.2020
You don't need this, but it's visually attractive and you can combine it in all sorts of ways.
I love sound gadgets, so I got this.
With every cymbal type this is stacked with, you'll get another sound, but it will always be trashy or sizzling.
I found it especially interesting with my 16" Istanbul China.
It doesn't pop up because of the China shape it lies on, and I had the choice between a sustained tone or a short burst.
That is achieved by playing on the edge of the China, or hitting the spiral stacker lying on top directly.
Which also gives you clearly different sounds as well.
And I'm not even finished experimenting.
On it's own, hanging down, it's about using your imagination how to blend this into your play. (and where to place it in your kit)
Because when used solo, you're going to need at least 50 cm to let it dangle free.
It isn't loud, so it will never be a power lead crash, it doesn't cut through.
It's more like a sizzle-crash and sound filler.
Excellent for the slower tempo songs, soft grooves, jazzy stuff and acoustic play.
But it's best purpose is to stack it.
This will be very interesting for recordings too.
You don't need this, but it's visually attractive and you can combine it in all sorts of ways.
I love sound gadgets, so I got this.
With every cymbal type this is stacked with, you'll get another sound, but it will always be trashy or sizzling.
I found it especially interesting with my 16" Istanbul China.
It doesn't pop up because of the
You don't need this, but it's visually attractive and you can combine it in all sorts of ways.
I love sound gadgets, so I got this.
With every cymbal type this is stacked with, you'll get another sound, but it will always be trashy or sizzling.
I found it especially interesting with my 16" Istanbul China.
It doesn't pop up because of the China shape it lies on, and I had the choice between a sustained tone or a short burst.
That is achieved by playing on the edge of the China, or hitting the spiral stacker lying on top directly.
Which also gives you clearly different sounds as well.
And I'm not even finished experimenting.
On it's own, hanging down, it's about using your imagination how to blend this into your play. (and where to place it in your kit)
Because when used solo, you're going to need at least 50 cm to let it dangle free.
It isn't loud, so it will never be a power lead crash, it doesn't cut through.
It's more like a sizzle-crash and sound filler.
Excellent for the slower tempo songs, soft grooves, jazzy stuff and acoustic play.
But it's best purpose is to stack it.