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Looks great and seems generally well made
Greg drums 02.05.2021
Not had this stick bag long, but so far seems really good and generally well put together. I've managed to get x4 pairs of standards sticks on one side and 5 pairs of brushes/rods/beaters on the other, but not really any space left in the main internal pocket if you want to shut it properly using the buckles. One negative is that the stitching on one of those buckles worked itself loose and i had to restitch it. Rest of the stitching seems fine.
Time will tell how it holds up, but generally very happy, especially as alternative leather stick bags by Ahead or Tackle are considerably dearer.
Not had this stick bag long, but so far seems really good and generally well put together. I've managed to get x4 pairs of standards sticks on one side and 5 pairs of brushes/rods/beaters on the other, but not really any space left in the main internal pocket if you want to shut it properly using the buckles. One negative is that the stitching on one of those buckles
Not had this stick bag long, but so far seems really good and generally well put together. I've managed to get x4 pairs of standards sticks on one side and 5 pairs of brushes/rods/beaters on the other, but not really any space left in the main internal pocket if you want to shut it properly using the buckles. One negative is that the stitching on one of those buckles worked itself loose and i had to restitch it. Rest of the stitching seems fine.
Time will tell how it holds up, but generally very happy, especially as alternative leather stick bags by Ahead or Tackle are considerably dearer.