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Cecilia Cello Rosin Small Solo


Kolofon für Cello

  • für einen reinen, sauberen und definierten Ton
  • sehr hohe Dynamik
  • ideal für Solisten und große Hallen
  • jedes Stück Cecilia Rosin Kolofon ist aus feinsten Inhaltsstoffen handgemacht
  • halbe Größe
Erhältlich seit Februar 2015
Artikelnummer 356887
Verkaufseinheit 1 Stück
Hart Nein
Weich Nein
Mittel Ja
Flüssig Nein
Gebindegröße 1
Gebindeeinheit Stück
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Sicherheitshinweise H-Sätze

  • h317: Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen.

Sicherheitshinweise P-Sätze

  • p261: Einatmen von Staub/Rauch/Gas/Nebel/Dampf/Aerosol vermeiden.
  • p280: Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/Gesichtsschutz tragen.
  • p333-p313: Bei Hautreizung oder -ausschlag: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen.
  • p362-p364: Kontaminierte Kleidung ausziehen und vor erneutem Tragen waschen.
  • p501: Inhalt/Behälter entsprechend den örtlichen Vorschriften der Entsorgung zuführen.
27 CHF
Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. 9 CHF Versand
Sofort lieferbar

13 Kundenbewertungen

4.8 / 5
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6 Rezensionen

Die Sonne geht auf...
ausdemdschungel 24.11.2020
Ich habe das Produkt als Geschenk für eine professionelle Musikerin erstanden und später auch für mich selbst bestellt, da ich wusste, dass sie mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden ist. Die Beschreibung (Solo) passt sehr gut. Der Klang sticht stärker hervor, als bei der anderen Andrea Variante, falls man das wünscht.
Für den Nicht-Profi ist es, als ginge rein klanglich die Sonne auf.
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google translate gb
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Didn't expect rosin can make such a difference
Anonym 27.03.2017
As a beginner player, I didn't really expect that it would be wise for me to pay a lot for rosin. But I saw an immediate difference literally within the first minutes of using Andrea instead of my old "middle-of-the-road" one. Now it seems much easier to produce nice sound on the C string, and the grip overall seems to be much more reliable. Also, really liked the box. Can't really spot any deficiencies.
As a beginner player, I didn't really expect that it would be wise for me to pay a lot for rosin. But I saw an immediate difference literally within the first minutes of using Andrea instead of my old "middle-of-the-road" one. Now it seems much easier to produce nice sound on the C string, and the grip overall seems to be much more reliable. Also, really liked the
As a beginner player, I didn't really expect that it would be wise for me to pay a lot for rosin. But I saw an immediate difference literally within the first minutes of using Andrea instead of my old "middle-of-the-road" one. Now it seems much easier to produce nice sound on the C string, and the grip overall seems to be much more reliable. Also, really liked the box. Can't really spot any deficiencies.
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One of the best rosins available
blueveek 25.06.2017
...but for my taste still not as good when it compares to the Piacere rosin from Andrea, which follows the exact recipe as the old Tartini Green.

This Solo rosin is based on a new recipe, and designed for a slightly different style of playing than the more mellow Piacere and even Orchestra, which is quite fluid. It's definitely better than most other rosins out there, and you'll immediately feel the difference when compared to other cheaper models.
...but for my taste still not as good when it compares to the Piacere rosin from Andrea, which follows the exact recipe as the old Tartini Green.

This Solo rosin is based on a new recipe, and designed for a slightly different style of playing than the more mellow Piacere and even Orchestra, which is quite fluid. It's definitely better than most other rosins
...but for my taste still not as good when it compares to the Piacere rosin from Andrea, which follows the exact recipe as the old Tartini Green.

This Solo rosin is based on a new recipe, and designed for a slightly different style of playing than the more mellow Piacere and even Orchestra, which is quite fluid. It's definitely better than most other rosins out there, and you'll immediately feel the difference when compared to other cheaper models.
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Une des meilleures
Yoyo Cello 20.09.2021
Colophane d’une grande qualité sonore avec une projection du son excellente ! Réactivité immédiate de la corde et grande plage dynamique. J’adore.
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