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Zwar bin ich kein erfahrener Drum-Hardware-Käufer, aber diese Fußmaschine finde ich wirklich ansprechend.
Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Alles lässt sich leicht einstellen und macht einen grundsoliden Eindruck. Das Spielgefühl ist prima.
Für Profis mag es besseres geben, was dann nochmal einiges mehr kostet, aber ich finde das Produkt sehr gut.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Excellent pedal, wouldn’t have chosen anything else!
waltschwarzkopf 08.02.2025
I was considering different brands and models, then I found out that this came for free with my Roland kit, so I gave it a try.
The built quality is excellent, very robust and with a rubber sole, plus two hooks/teeth/nails to secure it to your carpet or matt so it stays in place. The dual side beater is really good as you get two sounds and feels, plus it comes with a counter weight (that I use as a memory lock).
Would I recommend it or buy it again?
Yes, so much that I ordered another one two use with a second bass drum pad.
Go for it, with this DW3000 you can’t go wrong!
I was considering different brands and models, then I found out that this came for free with my Roland kit, so I gave it a try.
The built quality is excellent, very robust and with a rubber sole, plus two hooks/teeth/nails to secure it to your carpet or matt so it stays in place. The dual side beater is really good as you get two sounds and feels, plus it
I was considering different brands and models, then I found out that this came for free with my Roland kit, so I gave it a try.
The built quality is excellent, very robust and with a rubber sole, plus two hooks/teeth/nails to secure it to your carpet or matt so it stays in place. The dual side beater is really good as you get two sounds and feels, plus it comes with a counter weight (that I use as a memory lock).
Would I recommend it or buy it again?
Yes, so much that I ordered another one two use with a second bass drum pad.