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Im Zeitraum vom 03.12.2024 bis einschließlich 28.02.2025 erhältst Du beim Kauf einer der teilnehmenden Gitarren einen 3-Monats-Gutschein für den online Gitarrenkurs von music2me im Wert von EUR 48 (UVP) kostenlos dazu. Nach dem Versand Deiner Bestellung bekommst Du den Lizenzschlüssel sowie den Downloadlink automatisch per E-Mail zugesendet.
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Potential to be great
Entropy 16.10.2024
This guitar is the 3rd Boundary ST I’ve ordered. It is the best of the 3 but a long way from perfect. Fortunately, I have the right tools to transform it into a great instrument. But, it’s only a worthy purchase if you’re prepared to do the same. Information on this Vietnamese built guitar is extremely sparse on the internet. Even the fingerboard radius is omitted from Thomann’s description. I can confirm it has a 10” radius and it is NOT compound.
Faults: many high frets, badly cut nut. Small chip underneath bridge, neck not screwed into neck pocket tightly.
It was totally unplayable out of box.
However, here it is, I’m not sending it back, it speaks to me, it looks incredible, amazing colour, good pickups, hardware and the neck fits my hand perfectly.
Avoid unless you or someone else can do the work to realise it’s potential
This guitar is the 3rd Boundary ST I’ve ordered. It is the best of the 3 but a long way from perfect. Fortunately, I have the right tools to transform it into a great instrument. But, it’s only a worthy purchase if you’re prepared to do the same. Information on this Vietnamese built guitar is extremely sparse on the internet. Even the fingerboard radius is omitted
This guitar is the 3rd Boundary ST I’ve ordered. It is the best of the 3 but a long way from perfect. Fortunately, I have the right tools to transform it into a great instrument. But, it’s only a worthy purchase if you’re prepared to do the same. Information on this Vietnamese built guitar is extremely sparse on the internet. Even the fingerboard radius is omitted from Thomann’s description. I can confirm it has a 10” radius and it is NOT compound.
Faults: many high frets, badly cut nut. Small chip underneath bridge, neck not screwed into neck pocket tightly.
It was totally unplayable out of box.
However, here it is, I’m not sending it back, it speaks to me, it looks incredible, amazing colour, good pickups, hardware and the neck fits my hand perfectly.
Avoid unless you or someone else can do the work to realise it’s potential