they've been ordered for my 2018 MIM Fender Mustang Offset 90: not that the original ones weren't fine, it was the hum that pushed me to hunt for a silent replacement – no, wait: a dead silent one at that!
whatever you've read about this might hold true: they definitely sound like the real thing, sans hum, though; the pair sounds definitely beefy, solid, pretty quick in attack, and massive, in terms of sound impression.
don't be misled by its really hot output level: it's there to jam your amp's input stage and choke it with a serious voltage, sure – but that's just the recipe printed on their box; tone-wise, they're hot, but not rough. and smoothly refined, though definitely not glass-like.
rolling off the master tone pot only partially, or even to the full extent, my pair always sounds convincingly thick, and dense, and dark – but always in control, with details and dynamics, and zero hum.
the guitar not only is now dead silent, no matter how close to the layers of DSP-based pedals i can get, but have an even wider application latitude, from a most delicate whisper, to an ominous, thunderous roar!
if only i had more guitars routed for peen-ein-tee pickups, i'd make sure they all had a fresh pair of these installed!