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Eine unserer beiden Congas passt gerade noch in den Ständer, die größere ist nach einiger Zeit herausgekippt, da der Ring in der weitesten Einstellung so eng ist, dass nur der unterste Rand der Conga hinein passt. Dadurch steht sie sehr instabil und darf nicht unbeaufsichtigt im Ständer stehen. Das war den Produktangaben nicht so zu entnehmen.
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sehr standfest
Anonym 09.12.2016
Einmal richtig eingestellt habe ich drei sehr standfeste Congaständer bekommen. Ob auf harten Böden oder im Wald oder Kies, durch ihr Gewicht bleiben sie stabil an ihrem Ort stehen. Eine gute Wahl.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
reliable budget conga stand
Rubber Torch 04.09.2013
I bought a pair of these to replace the tripod stand that came with my Cosmic Percussion (old name for Aspire?) congas. They were easy to assemble. Careful of the grease on the bolts. It may take time to adjust the stands to the tapers of your drums - you need to reassemble to change their size. The design is simple and robust. The placing of the feet seems narrow but they are heavy and keep the drums stable, a vast improvement on my old stand. With baskets there's no problem with the drums rocking side to side, which affects timing when playing fast.
I bought a pair of these to replace the tripod stand that came with my Cosmic Percussion (old name for Aspire?) congas. They were easy to assemble. Careful of the grease on the bolts. It may take time to adjust the stands to the tapers of your drums - you need to reassemble to change their size. The design is simple and robust. The placing of the feet seems narrow but
I bought a pair of these to replace the tripod stand that came with my Cosmic Percussion (old name for Aspire?) congas. They were easy to assemble. Careful of the grease on the bolts. It may take time to adjust the stands to the tapers of your drums - you need to reassemble to change their size. The design is simple and robust. The placing of the feet seems narrow but they are heavy and keep the drums stable, a vast improvement on my old stand. With baskets there's no problem with the drums rocking side to side, which affects timing when playing fast.