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Gute Variante zur dosierten Dämpfung von Toms und Snare. Durch Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Gewichten oder mehreren Drops an einer Trommel lässt sich das gewünschte Resonanzverhalten einfach erzielen. Hoffentlich leistet die Silikonlasche auch lange ihren Dienst - dann würde ich die Tandem Drums Drops uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
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MUST HAVE drum damping- ditch everything else!
James4797 22.01.2025
These are ground breaking. On snares, moongel just kills the sound, these give the full sound but remove the overtones- I think because they are dynamic and move upwards when the drum is struck then dampen, rather than being fixed they work so well and let the drum breathe. Different sizes work on different drums- 40g on snare, 60g on small floor tom and 120g on large floor tom. You don't need anything else with these, they are fantastic, and you can alter the sound by fitting them at 90 degrees or 45 degrees to the hoop to moderate the amount of damping, or rotate them out the way for a particular song- they really are a game changer. All I can say is buy some!!
These are ground breaking. On snares, moongel just kills the sound, these give the full sound but remove the overtones- I think because they are dynamic and move upwards when the drum is struck then dampen, rather than being fixed they work so well and let the drum breathe. Different sizes work on different drums- 40g on snare, 60g on small floor tom and 120g on large
These are ground breaking. On snares, moongel just kills the sound, these give the full sound but remove the overtones- I think because they are dynamic and move upwards when the drum is struck then dampen, rather than being fixed they work so well and let the drum breathe. Different sizes work on different drums- 40g on snare, 60g on small floor tom and 120g on large floor tom. You don't need anything else with these, they are fantastic, and you can alter the sound by fitting them at 90 degrees or 45 degrees to the hoop to moderate the amount of damping, or rotate them out the way for a particular song- they really are a game changer. All I can say is buy some!!