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Perfect in every way 🥰
TDPL006&ABIT 15.09.2022
I remember the very first time i heard a "magik stick", (didgeridoo) back in the sixties where the coverted black & white TV was pride of place in the front room (palour).
I was about four yrs old and was sat with daddy in the front room, he put the tv on and the first sound we heard was daunghting to say the least but daddy didn't turn it off and we sat and listened to this aboriginal guy sat in a stream making the most umazing sound i'd ever heard ( I know only 4yrs old lol) hooked till this day. Though I never for one minute thought I would ever play one, to be honest never gave that much thought at all...
So I waited till i was 59 yrs old until I got one ( strange story but don't worry I won't go into details lol). Got my first didge from Thomanns and wasn't disappointed at all the service was second to none and the didges.... Anyway to tell about Mr C as I call him is sublime the more gentle you are the more he gives and i've sat for hours with him just sounds better and better. Though its extremely powerful too 💚 quality is again second to none and looks pretty cool too. I can't circular breath and that dosen't stop me singing my songs (as one chap told me one time) it's very responsive. I would imagine folk that have been playing a while wouldn't mind adding this to there ranks.
So fantastic service (informed every step of the process). Fantastic sounding extremely cool looking didgeridoo, absolutely fantastic have a feeling i'll be seeing Thomanns again.
Thank you kindly 💚
I remember the very first time i heard a "magik stick", (didgeridoo) back in the sixties where the coverted black & white TV was pride of place in the front room (palour).
I was about four yrs old and was sat with daddy in the front room, he put the tv on and the first sound we heard was daunghting to say the least but daddy didn't turn it off and we sat and
I remember the very first time i heard a "magik stick", (didgeridoo) back in the sixties where the coverted black & white TV was pride of place in the front room (palour).
I was about four yrs old and was sat with daddy in the front room, he put the tv on and the first sound we heard was daunghting to say the least but daddy didn't turn it off and we sat and listened to this aboriginal guy sat in a stream making the most umazing sound i'd ever heard ( I know only 4yrs old lol) hooked till this day. Though I never for one minute thought I would ever play one, to be honest never gave that much thought at all...
So I waited till i was 59 yrs old until I got one ( strange story but don't worry I won't go into details lol). Got my first didge from Thomanns and wasn't disappointed at all the service was second to none and the didges.... Anyway to tell about Mr C as I call him is sublime the more gentle you are the more he gives and i've sat for hours with him just sounds better and better. Though its extremely powerful too 💚 quality is again second to none and looks pretty cool too. I can't circular breath and that dosen't stop me singing my songs (as one chap told me one time) it's very responsive. I would imagine folk that have been playing a while wouldn't mind adding this to there ranks.
So fantastic service (informed every step of the process). Fantastic sounding extremely cool looking didgeridoo, absolutely fantastic have a feeling i'll be seeing Thomanns again.
Thank you kindly 💚
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Erittäin hyvä
Antti A 09.08.2023
Soi kauniisti, on helppo soittaa ja puhaltaa. Kantaa lauluääntä. Erittäin hyvä didge hintaansa nähden. Soittaisin mieluusti ystäville, jäisin harrastamaan tämän hankittuani. Kaunis, ohut didge. Siististi tyhjäksi porattu. Miellyttävä ja kaunis puinen suukappale. Ääni soi ympäristöön kauniisti ja kantavasti. Mielestäni selkeästi parempi verrattuna paksumpiin, edullisiin bambudidgeihin. Vastaavassa luokassa on PVC-C-vireinen didge, joka on painavampi ja jolla on massiivisempi ääni. Se on vielä parempi soittaa. Pidän enemmän näistä edullisista, kuin vastapaineisista tiikkipuisista, poratuista didgeistä.
Soi kauniisti, on helppo soittaa ja puhaltaa. Kantaa lauluääntä. Erittäin hyvä didge hintaansa nähden. Soittaisin mieluusti ystäville, jäisin harrastamaan tämän hankittuani. Kaunis, ohut didge. Siististi tyhjäksi porattu. Miellyttävä ja kaunis puinen suukappale. Ääni soi ympäristöön kauniisti ja kantavasti. Mielestäni selkeästi parempi verrattuna paksumpiin,
Soi kauniisti, on helppo soittaa ja puhaltaa. Kantaa lauluääntä. Erittäin hyvä didge hintaansa nähden. Soittaisin mieluusti ystäville, jäisin harrastamaan tämän hankittuani. Kaunis, ohut didge. Siististi tyhjäksi porattu. Miellyttävä ja kaunis puinen suukappale. Ääni soi ympäristöön kauniisti ja kantavasti. Mielestäni selkeästi parempi verrattuna paksumpiin, edullisiin bambudidgeihin. Vastaavassa luokassa on PVC-C-vireinen didge, joka on painavampi ja jolla on massiivisempi ääni. Se on vielä parempi soittaa. Pidän enemmän näistä edullisista, kuin vastapaineisista tiikkipuisista, poratuista didgeistä.
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Molliterssi 13.05.2023
Suukappale on erinomainen. Tehty akaasiasta eikä tarvitse 'öklö' vahoja lisätä. Sointi on pehmeä ja tähän hintaan hyvä. Kevyt puhaltaa. Hyvä ilmanvastus. Päällä mukiinmenevä 'tatuointi'.