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Ultimate Ears UE-18+ Ambient


4-Wege High-End In-Ear-Ohrhörer

  • einzigartige Technik, Oberklasse im Design und Sound, auch für Studio-Anwendung z.B. beim Mastering geeignet
  • 6 Treiber: Bass, Mittelton, Mid/High, Hochton
  • komplett Druckkammertreiber
  • 4-Wege passive Frequenzweiche
  • perfekter Halt durch Ohranpassung (Abdruck vom Hörgeräteakustiker erforderlich)
  • austauschbare Dämpfungsfilter: 12/26dB
  • austauschbare Kabel durch Stecksystem
  • hartes Innenohrteil
  • auf Wunsch auch mehrfarbig
  • Frequenzgang: 5 - 22.000 Hz
  • Empfindlichkeit: 100 dB @ 1 kHz, 100 mV
  • Impedanz: 37,5 Ohm @ 1 kHz
  • inkl. Metallcase mit eingraviertem Namen

Achtung Sonderanfertigung: Zur Anfertigung dieses In-Ear Hörers ist ein Abdruck (Otoplastik) von einem Hörgeräteakustiker erforderlich, durch den weitere Kosten entstehen. Nach dem Bestelleingang erhalten Sie von unseren Spezialisten eine E-Mail mit allen erforderlichen Informationen zur weiteren Bearbeitung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei Sonderanfertigungen entsprechend unseren AGB §4 Abs. 5 keine Money-Back Garantie gewährt werden kann.

Erhältlich seit Mai 2019
Artikelnummer 410859
Verkaufseinheit 1 Paar
Anzahl Wege 4
Kabel abnehmbar Ja
Ambience Ja
Impedanz 37,5
Anzahl Treiber 6
Kabellänge wählbar
Empfindlichkeit 105
Verwendung Allround
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1.815 CHF
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In 3-4 Wochen lieferbar

2 Kundenbewertungen

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One word: WOW!
Jacob Johansson 15.01.2018
Well, if you pay about 1 900 ¤ for a couple of headphones you SHOULD expect the best. And yes, you will have the best! But that does depend on some certain things, such as you having quality impressions made. To me, these ones fit extremely well, but without hurting/tearing on my ears. The impression of the packaging is very luxurious and gives a high quality feel. And the sound quality; WOW! Very gentle, smooth sound - but still extremely clear and accurate. I never thought that a small piece of in ear equipment could sound this good. Truly amazing! The price is high... but you get what you pay for! One thing with the quality is that there are no manual on the filters included (it's quite simple though) and the whole filter part feels quite cheap for a couple of in ear headphones worth more than your soul... but the whole experience besides that one is very close to perfection! Now I can sell all my other headphones, right? ;)
Well, if you pay about 1 900 ¤ for a couple of headphones you SHOULD expect the best. And yes, you will have the best! But that does depend on some certain things, such as you having quality impressions made. To me, these ones fit extremely well, but without hurting/tearing on my ears. The impression of the packaging is very luxurious and gives a high quality feel.
Well, if you pay about 1 900 ¤ for a couple of headphones you SHOULD expect the best. And yes, you will have the best! But that does depend on some certain things, such as you having quality impressions made. To me, these ones fit extremely well, but without hurting/tearing on my ears. The impression of the packaging is very luxurious and gives a high quality feel. And the sound quality; WOW! Very gentle, smooth sound - but still extremely clear and accurate. I never thought that a small piece of in ear equipment could sound this good. Truly amazing! The price is high... but you get what you pay for! One thing with the quality is that there are no manual on the filters included (it's quite simple though) and the whole filter part feels quite cheap for a couple of in ear headphones worth more than your soul... but the whole experience besides that one is very close to perfection! Now I can sell all my other headphones, right? ;)
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