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Bei Registrierung dieses neuen Yamaha Instrumentes nach Kauf verlängert der Hersteller die Garantie kostenlos auf 5 Jahre. Dabei muss das qualifizierte Instrument innerhalb von 6 Monaten nach dem Kauf direkt auf der Website des Herstellers mit dem entsprechenden Nutzerkonto verknüpft werden, wofür keine weiteren Kosten entstehen.
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YTR-8335RG 04 Feedback
Trumpet C 24.02.2018
Despite the annoyance of the cost of a bank transfer and the increase of the cost of the trumpet due to the exchange rate, I am pleased to say I am delighted with my new trumpet. I am a professional trumpeter with over 30 years experience. 8335 is incredibly free blowing and enables precise pitching throughout the range. Dramatic changes of dynamics are made easy on this fantastic trumpet. The contrast of the gold brass bell is beautiful. The 2nd valve was noisy to start with, but has now quietened down. The lack of water key on the 3rd valve slide is a bit of a draw back, but if this all goes to help the amazing unimpeded air flow, then it's well worth it. Well done Yamaha.
Despite the annoyance of the cost of a bank transfer and the increase of the cost of the trumpet due to the exchange rate, I am pleased to say I am delighted with my new trumpet. I am a professional trumpeter with over 30 years experience. 8335 is incredibly free blowing and enables precise pitching throughout the range. Dramatic changes of dynamics are made easy on
Despite the annoyance of the cost of a bank transfer and the increase of the cost of the trumpet due to the exchange rate, I am pleased to say I am delighted with my new trumpet. I am a professional trumpeter with over 30 years experience. 8335 is incredibly free blowing and enables precise pitching throughout the range. Dramatic changes of dynamics are made easy on this fantastic trumpet. The contrast of the gold brass bell is beautiful. The 2nd valve was noisy to start with, but has now quietened down. The lack of water key on the 3rd valve slide is a bit of a draw back, but if this all goes to help the amazing unimpeded air flow, then it's well worth it. Well done Yamaha.
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A lot of music for little money.
Karel Hrdý 03.03.2023
If you are looking for a professional instrument that won't cost you a crazy amount of money and will be able to compete with, or perhaps surpass, instruments in a much higher price range, this Yamaha is the obvious choice for you. I personally tried about 15 trumpets at Thoman's shop, and after about 3 hours of playing, I couldn't believe my eyes. Personally, I have always considered the Yamaha to be a bland instrument with no soul. After that comparison, I couldn't believe my eyes. Gorgeous response, easy tone production, great piston action and amazing projection for really little money compared to the competition. I was switching from a Bach Stradivarius 180/43 to this Yamaha. I also still own a Van Laar R4 and the Yamaha is my new lead trumpet. Thanks to everyone at Thoman for the great service and I look forward to seeing you again sometime. If you are still on the fence about Yamaha quality or sound projection like I was. See for yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised :)
If you are looking for a professional instrument that won't cost you a crazy amount of money and will be able to compete with, or perhaps surpass, instruments in a much higher price range, this Yamaha is the obvious choice for you. I personally tried about 15 trumpets at Thoman's shop, and after about 3 hours of playing, I couldn't believe my eyes. Personally, I have
If you are looking for a professional instrument that won't cost you a crazy amount of money and will be able to compete with, or perhaps surpass, instruments in a much higher price range, this Yamaha is the obvious choice for you. I personally tried about 15 trumpets at Thoman's shop, and after about 3 hours of playing, I couldn't believe my eyes. Personally, I have always considered the Yamaha to be a bland instrument with no soul. After that comparison, I couldn't believe my eyes. Gorgeous response, easy tone production, great piston action and amazing projection for really little money compared to the competition. I was switching from a Bach Stradivarius 180/43 to this Yamaha. I also still own a Van Laar R4 and the Yamaha is my new lead trumpet. Thanks to everyone at Thoman for the great service and I look forward to seeing you again sometime. If you are still on the fence about Yamaha quality or sound projection like I was. See for yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised :)