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An den Lampen von Aputure gibt es, wenn man vom Preis ausgeht, nichts auszusetzen. Die 600d macht was sie soll. Seid aber schlauer als ich und investiert direkt in die 600d Pro.
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A truly professional fixture with high performances 09.06.2023
We work with slow motion cameras and need powerful lights.
Being our ecosystem based on Aputure we have chosen the 600d (non-pro) for our indoor studio shooting needs.
The light is less expensive than the "pro" version but only has a couple of major features less: it's not water-proof and light increments are not decimals: we considered the above factors and the price difference when choosing the "non-pro" version.
Lights work great and are totally flicker free - even at 800 fps.
Coupling them with the F10 Fresnels and barndoors, in my opinion, is essential to maximize the light output and control.
Aputure remains our favorite brand for pro-lighting considering its price-performance ratio, the availability of Amaran lights (with lower budgets and similar characteristics) under the same SIDUS LINK ecosystem that allows a smart and perfect control of all the fixtures under one app.
I would advice this light for any pro.
We work with slow motion cameras and need powerful lights.
Being our ecosystem based on Aputure we have chosen the 600d (non-pro) for our indoor studio shooting needs.
The light is less expensive than the "pro" version but only has a couple of major features less: it's not water-proof and light increments are not decimals: we considered the above factors and
We work with slow motion cameras and need powerful lights.
Being our ecosystem based on Aputure we have chosen the 600d (non-pro) for our indoor studio shooting needs.
The light is less expensive than the "pro" version but only has a couple of major features less: it's not water-proof and light increments are not decimals: we considered the above factors and the price difference when choosing the "non-pro" version.
Lights work great and are totally flicker free - even at 800 fps.
Coupling them with the F10 Fresnels and barndoors, in my opinion, is essential to maximize the light output and control.
Aputure remains our favorite brand for pro-lighting considering its price-performance ratio, the availability of Amaran lights (with lower budgets and similar characteristics) under the same SIDUS LINK ecosystem that allows a smart and perfect control of all the fixtures under one app.
I would advice this light for any pro.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Everything you can wish for
Riddi 01.09.2023
Until now I was just renting this light, now I have it and it is a blast! Shoot it through a window or put a lantern on it and light up the indoors! It is awesome!