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Ich hatte mir den Oxblood eigentlich nur gekauft, weil der mit TubeScreamer nicht wirklich gefiel.
Der Oxblood ist (offiziell k)ein Klone, aber er funktioniert wie einer.
Es ist so geil, wie er das vorhanden Signal verstärkt, wenn man nur den Level betätigt. Als Lead-Boost im Crunch super genial.
Er hat sich von einem Notkauf zum absoluten always-on entwickelt, weil jeder Amp damit einfach besser klingt.
Den eigenen Gain finde ich tatsächlich gar nicht so toll, ich arbeite hier nur mit dem Level, um die Vorstufe gut einzuheizen.
Zudem hat er noch einen Phat-Switch, der das Bass-Fundament deutlich größer macht und einen Clipping-Switch, der in die fuzzige Richtung führt.
Mein Fazit ist: ich verkaufe alle Overdrive-Pedale und behalte nur den Oxblood. Das absolut geilste Pedal, was ich je hatte!
Ich hatte mir den Oxblood eigentlich nur gekauft, weil der mit TubeScreamer nicht wirklich gefiel.
Der Oxblood ist (offiziell k)ein Klone, aber er funktioniert wie einer.
Es ist so geil, wie er das vorhanden Signal verstärkt, wenn man nur den Level betätigt. Als Lead-Boost im Crunch super genial.
Er hat sich von einem Notkauf zum absoluten
Ich hatte mir den Oxblood eigentlich nur gekauft, weil der mit TubeScreamer nicht wirklich gefiel.
Der Oxblood ist (offiziell k)ein Klone, aber er funktioniert wie einer.
Es ist so geil, wie er das vorhanden Signal verstärkt, wenn man nur den Level betätigt. Als Lead-Boost im Crunch super genial.
Er hat sich von einem Notkauf zum absoluten always-on entwickelt, weil jeder Amp damit einfach besser klingt.
Den eigenen Gain finde ich tatsächlich gar nicht so toll, ich arbeite hier nur mit dem Level, um die Vorstufe gut einzuheizen.
Zudem hat er noch einen Phat-Switch, der das Bass-Fundament deutlich größer macht und einen Clipping-Switch, der in die fuzzige Richtung führt.
Mein Fazit ist: ich verkaufe alle Overdrive-Pedale und behalte nur den Oxblood. Das absolut geilste Pedal, was ich je hatte!
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A really exceptional overdrive pedal!
Anonym 03.01.2017
The Oxblood pedal has a rich array of tonal opinions. This is one of it's best features, along with the fact that it seems to have a delightfully asymmetrical tone, which offers the right amount of growl and raspiness, without ever compromising the clarity of chords and notes. Quite uniquely, this pedal has a complex tone, which is distinctly elegant and does not appear to cleave to any specific style or genre, while at the same time being able to deal with any demands that are placed upon it. I was looking for a drive that could provide me with a type of "gritty old-world sound" and this pedal could certainly meet that requirement.
The Oxblood pedal has a rich array of tonal opinions. This is one of it's best features, along with the fact that it seems to have a delightfully asymmetrical tone, which offers the right amount of growl and raspiness, without ever compromising the clarity of chords and notes. Quite uniquely, this pedal has a complex tone, which is distinctly elegant and does not
The Oxblood pedal has a rich array of tonal opinions. This is one of it's best features, along with the fact that it seems to have a delightfully asymmetrical tone, which offers the right amount of growl and raspiness, without ever compromising the clarity of chords and notes. Quite uniquely, this pedal has a complex tone, which is distinctly elegant and does not appear to cleave to any specific style or genre, while at the same time being able to deal with any demands that are placed upon it. I was looking for a drive that could provide me with a type of "gritty old-world sound" and this pedal could certainly meet that requirement.
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Great Klon like pedal
EmrahAlpat 12.04.2021
I love the Klon pedal. This is similar in sound and has a few more nice additions to make it more versatile. I also own a klon clone (Conspiracy Theory from Way Huge) and while they're both great, the Keeley has more options should I need it. I mostly use it with my kemper for recording - I compared it to profiles that had a Klon on them and this pedal helps me add the Klon tone to any other profile. 10/10. Would buy again.
I love the Klon pedal. This is similar in sound and has a few more nice additions to make it more versatile. I also own a klon clone (Conspiracy Theory from Way Huge) and while they're both great, the Keeley has more options should I need it. I mostly use it with my kemper for recording - I compared it to profiles that had a Klon on them and this pedal helps me add
I love the Klon pedal. This is similar in sound and has a few more nice additions to make it more versatile. I also own a klon clone (Conspiracy Theory from Way Huge) and while they're both great, the Keeley has more options should I need it. I mostly use it with my kemper for recording - I compared it to profiles that had a Klon on them and this pedal helps me add the Klon tone to any other profile. 10/10. Would buy again.
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BillieJean 19.12.2018
I have never played an original klon but I always loved how they sounded whenever I heard them. This thing is the exact replica of the same sound or at least how I feel playing it. I really recommend it