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Ich habe lange überlegt mir einen Fretless Bass anzuschaffen. Also hab mich für diesen 5 Saiter entschieden. Ausgepackt war er nach dem Einstimmen sofort spielbereit. Saitenlage war top. Er lässt sich sehr leicht spielen. Soundmöglicheiten sind mehr als genug vorhanden. Er wirkt in der Verarbeitung sehr wertig. Preis Leistung kann sich hier wirklich sehen lassen.
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Unbelievable value for money
Waldorg 07.04.2019
This bass is an absolute blast, it sounds incredible, and it is the most comfortable instrument I have ever played!
I'm loving the rounded-edge fretboard and the pick-ups.
What a beautiful instrument for the price!
I can definitely recommend this bass, exactly what I needed to start playing the fretless!
Beware of the weight though, it is not a lightweight bass, so please get a large padded strap to stay comfortable and not get a sore shoulder in 10 minutes.
This bass is an absolute blast, it sounds incredible, and it is the most comfortable instrument I have ever played!
I'm loving the rounded-edge fretboard and the pick-ups.
What a beautiful instrument for the price!
I can definitely recommend this bass, exactly what I needed to start playing the fretless!
Beware of the weight
This bass is an absolute blast, it sounds incredible, and it is the most comfortable instrument I have ever played!
I'm loving the rounded-edge fretboard and the pick-ups.
What a beautiful instrument for the price!
I can definitely recommend this bass, exactly what I needed to start playing the fretless!
Beware of the weight though, it is not a lightweight bass, so please get a large padded strap to stay comfortable and not get a sore shoulder in 10 minutes.