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Habe für meinen KB neue Saiten gesucht die sowohl für Pizzicato und Streichen gut geeignet sind. Die Produktbeschreibung der Prestoflex klang interessant und ich bin nicht enttäusch worden. Schöner Klang, Sustain ok, gut zu spielen und stimmstabil. Die Bogenansprache ist nach meinem Gefühl besser im Vergleich zur Hybridsaite HH610 von Dadarrio.
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A good pizz string with its own character
Mart B 21.12.2023
I have previously used Thomastik Spirocores in several different gauges, so that was my reference point for comparison. The Prestoflex strings do a similar job and are likely to appeal to the same players, but they have a subtly different character. They have good volume and a lot of sustain and growl when played pizz, with a nice clear high end that is quite distinctive. I like that they remain clear toned and sustaining as I move up the neck into thumb position.
With the bow they have a fairly bright tone, but they're easy to control and play cleanly. Though their strong point is that modern jazz pizzicato tone.
I have previously used Thomastik Spirocores in several different gauges, so that was my reference point for comparison. The Prestoflex strings do a similar job and are likely to appeal to the same players, but they have a subtly different character. They have good volume and a lot of sustain and growl when played pizz, with a nice clear high end that is quite
I have previously used Thomastik Spirocores in several different gauges, so that was my reference point for comparison. The Prestoflex strings do a similar job and are likely to appeal to the same players, but they have a subtly different character. They have good volume and a lot of sustain and growl when played pizz, with a nice clear high end that is quite distinctive. I like that they remain clear toned and sustaining as I move up the neck into thumb position.
With the bow they have a fairly bright tone, but they're easy to control and play cleanly. Though their strong point is that modern jazz pizzicato tone.