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Das Douglas Yeo Mundstück für Bassposaune ist ein tolles Ding. Man erreicht auf Anhieb alle Pedaltöne ohne viel Üben. Naturgemäß sind die Höhen schwerer erreichbar. Dennoch bis zum hohen b' möglich. Ich nutze dieses Mundstück für sehr tiefe Lagen in der Bigband im Wechsel mit dem Yamaha GP59.
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Gutes Mundstück für B&S MS27K-L
Bernhard aus J. 18.05.2021
Spricht von den (richtigen ;-) ) Tiefen bis zu den mittleren Höhen sehr gut an
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese Aktion später.
Wow! even better than the silver plated one!
philip ! 24.06.2020
Please read my comments on the Doug Yeo silver plated version, as can be seen, i am very impressed with it. i have now tried the gold plated one (breathtakingly good!) and can honestly say it is even better than the silver one! I am so pleased i tried it! Nice crisp attack, very easy response, the notes almost jump out of their own accord, and adds a new dimension to the tone, the notes have a bright ringing quality with a really solid core (both loud and soft) that i didnt get before, makes playing cresc & dim very easy. Even playing a basic scale is fun with a sound like this! As i wrote in my other review, different mouthpieces suit different people (and instruments!) That said, I count myself very fortunate as this one is perfect for me!
Please read my comments on the Doug Yeo silver plated version, as can be seen, i am very impressed with it. i have now tried the gold plated one (breathtakingly good!) and can honestly say it is even better than the silver one! I am so pleased i tried it! Nice crisp attack, very easy response, the notes almost jump out of their own accord, and adds a new dimension to
Please read my comments on the Doug Yeo silver plated version, as can be seen, i am very impressed with it. i have now tried the gold plated one (breathtakingly good!) and can honestly say it is even better than the silver one! I am so pleased i tried it! Nice crisp attack, very easy response, the notes almost jump out of their own accord, and adds a new dimension to the tone, the notes have a bright ringing quality with a really solid core (both loud and soft) that i didnt get before, makes playing cresc & dim very easy. Even playing a basic scale is fun with a sound like this! As i wrote in my other review, different mouthpieces suit different people (and instruments!) That said, I count myself very fortunate as this one is perfect for me!