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A high class product.
David3441 21.04.2015
These are the mic press all others are compared to. Clean and clear sounding with no discernible colouration to the incoming signal.
Particularly good with drums and acoustic guitars and classical strings.
I've had to return it for a warranty repair as the number one preamp had developed a fault, but the Thomann customer support is second to none, and I can't wait to get it back again!
These are the mic press all others are compared to. Clean and clear sounding with no discernible colouration to the incoming signal.
Particularly good with drums and acoustic guitars and classical strings.
I've had to return it for a warranty repair as the number one preamp had developed a fault, but the Thomann customer support is second to none, and I can't
These are the mic press all others are compared to. Clean and clear sounding with no discernible colouration to the incoming signal.
Particularly good with drums and acoustic guitars and classical strings.
I've had to return it for a warranty repair as the number one preamp had developed a fault, but the Thomann customer support is second to none, and I can't wait to get it back again!