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Die Gitarre kam gut verpackt an. Nach dem Auspacken musste ich nur noch etwas Nachstimmen und los ging es. Klang wirklich sehr gut für die Preisklasse, ebenso top verarbeitet. Spiele eigentlich sonst nur Teles und wollte mal etwas Anderes probieren. War ein guter Kauf kann man unbedingt weiterempfehlen
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Exceptional Build, warm Tone for a good price
Anonym 07.01.2023
Hi there, After moving to Düsseldorf, Germany, this is my first purchase from I must say that I am thoroughly impressed by Thomann´s packaging and delivery. The service support is impressive too.
The guitar punches way, way above its offered price. Even the most expensive ones may not match the craftsmanship of Yamaha in this budget range. I find that the Guitar still remains in tune even after a heavy usage throughout the day. Together with Thomann as their partner, I think Yamaha has done a good job in delivering their unmatched products to the consumers at a good bargain.
I look forward to buy more accessories to sweeten my playing experience from again. I highly recommend them.
Hi there, After moving to Düsseldorf, Germany, this is my first purchase from I must say that I am thoroughly impressed by Thomann´s packaging and delivery. The service support is impressive too.
The guitar punches way, way above its offered price. Even the most expensive ones may not match the craftsmanship of Yamaha in this budget range. I find that
Hi there, After moving to Düsseldorf, Germany, this is my first purchase from I must say that I am thoroughly impressed by Thomann´s packaging and delivery. The service support is impressive too.
The guitar punches way, way above its offered price. Even the most expensive ones may not match the craftsmanship of Yamaha in this budget range. I find that the Guitar still remains in tune even after a heavy usage throughout the day. Together with Thomann as their partner, I think Yamaha has done a good job in delivering their unmatched products to the consumers at a good bargain.
I look forward to buy more accessories to sweeten my playing experience from again. I highly recommend them.
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Red Copper beauty
Batut 23.12.2022
RSE20 features a chambered body. Made of mahogany, this chambering is designed to give weight relief, alter the tone and make sure the guitar balances beautifully. A lot of research went on via Yamaha's Acoustic Design process to make sure that the body design was as good as it gets.
Exciting voicing feature of REVSTAR RSE20 comes from the push/pull tone control. This is known as the Dry Switch and it engages a high-pass filter that allows brighter tones but without the extra noise and drop in volume that comes with a traditional coil-split. The pickups themselves are Alnico V humbuckers that are powerful, custom Yamaha designs.
RSE20 features a chambered body. Made of mahogany, this chambering is designed to give weight relief, alter the tone and make sure the guitar balances beautifully. A lot of research went on via Yamaha's Acoustic Design process to make sure that the body design was as good as it gets.
Exciting voicing feature of REVSTAR RSE20 comes from the push/pull tone
RSE20 features a chambered body. Made of mahogany, this chambering is designed to give weight relief, alter the tone and make sure the guitar balances beautifully. A lot of research went on via Yamaha's Acoustic Design process to make sure that the body design was as good as it gets.
Exciting voicing feature of REVSTAR RSE20 comes from the push/pull tone control. This is known as the Dry Switch and it engages a high-pass filter that allows brighter tones but without the extra noise and drop in volume that comes with a traditional coil-split. The pickups themselves are Alnico V humbuckers that are powerful, custom Yamaha designs.
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Excelente guitarra, lo mejor en su rango de precio
CDS18_2 24.02.2024
La guitarra es muy bonita visualmente, con las dos barras en el medio. A nivel de sonido es impecable, sonido Humbucker ideal. Será muy difícil superar lo que ofrece esta guitarra a este rango de precio.